Uses of Class

Packages that use SDL_ActiveEvent
sdljava.event Provides the interface to SDL event management defined int SDL_events.h 
sdljava.x.swig Provides the native interface (proxy) layer to the SDL C API. 

Uses of SDL_ActiveEvent in sdljava.event

Fields in sdljava.event declared as SDL_ActiveEvent
(package private)  SDL_ActiveEvent SDLActiveEvent.swigActiveEvent
          Reference to the SWIG generated event

Methods in sdljava.event that return SDL_ActiveEvent
 SDL_ActiveEvent SDLActiveEvent.getSwigActiveEvent()
          Gets the value of swigActiveEvent

Methods in sdljava.event with parameters of type SDL_ActiveEvent
 void SDLActiveEvent.setSwigActiveEvent(SDL_ActiveEvent argSwigActiveEvent)
          Sets the value of swigActiveEvent

Uses of SDL_ActiveEvent in sdljava.x.swig

Methods in sdljava.x.swig that return SDL_ActiveEvent
 SDL_ActiveEvent SDL_Event.getActive()

Methods in sdljava.x.swig with parameters of type SDL_ActiveEvent
protected static long SDL_ActiveEvent.getCPtr(SDL_ActiveEvent obj)
 void SDL_Event.setActive(SDL_ActiveEvent active)