Uses of Class

Packages that use SDLRect Provides all the functions which are defined in the SDL_video.h header. 

Uses of SDLRect in

Methods in that return SDLRect
 SDLRect SDLSurface.getClipRect()

Methods in with parameters of type SDLRect
 int SDLSurface.blitSurface(SDLRect src, SDLSurface dstSurface, SDLRect dst)
          This performs a fast blit from the source surface to the destination surface.
 int SDLSurface.blitSurface(SDLSurface dstSurface, SDLRect dst)
 void SDLSurface.fillRect(SDLRect dstrect, long color)
          This function performs a fast fill of the given rectangle with 'color' The given rectangle is clipped to the destination surface clip area and the final fill rectangle is saved in the passed in pointer.
 void BlitQueue.queueBlit(SDLRect srcRect, SDLSurface dstSurface, SDLRect dst)
 void BlitQueue.queueBlit(SDLSurface dstSurface, SDLRect dst)
 void SDLSurface.setClipRect(SDLRect rect)
          Sets the clipping rectangle for the destination surface in a blit.
 void SDLSurface.updateRect(SDLRect r)
          Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.

Uses of SDLRect in sdljavax.gui

Fields in sdljavax.gui declared as SDLRect
protected  SDLRect Container.screenDimensions

Methods in sdljavax.gui with parameters of type SDLRect
 boolean Widget.contains(SDLRect rect)
          Describe contains method here.

Constructors in sdljavax.gui with parameters of type SDLRect
Button(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect dimensions, java.lang.String unSelectedTexturePath, java.lang.String selectedTexturePath)
Container(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect rect, SDLRect screenDimensions)
ListBox(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect dimensions, java.lang.String backgroundTexture)
          Construct a new ListBox.
Widget(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect dimensions, java.lang.String backgroundTexturePath)
Window(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect rect, SDLRect screenDimensions, java.lang.String backgroundTexturePath)