Uses of Interface

Packages that use GL
org.gljava.opengl.model Provides all the functions which are defined in the SDL_video.h header. 

Uses of GL in org.gljava.opengl

Classes in org.gljava.opengl that implement GL
 class DebugGL
           A Composable pipline which wraps an underlying GL implementation.

Fields in org.gljava.opengl declared as GL
(package private)  GL

Methods in org.gljava.opengl with parameters of type GL
 void Texture.bind(GL gl)
          Bind the specified GL context to a texture
(package private)  int TextureFactory.createTextureID(GL gl)
          Create a new texture ID
 void Sprite.draw(GL gl, float x, float y)
          Draw the sprite at the specified location
 Texture TextureFactory.loadSubTexture2D(GL gl, java.awt.image.BufferedImage bufferedImage, int target, int dstPixelFormat, int minFilter, int magFilter, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height)
          Describe loadSubTexture method here.
 Texture TextureFactory.loadSubTexture2D(GL gl, java.lang.String path, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height)
 Texture TextureFactory.loadTexture(GL gl, java.awt.image.BufferedImage bufferedImage, int target, int dstPixelFormat, int minFilter, int magFilter)
          Describe loadTexture method here.
 Texture TextureFactory.loadTexture(GL gl, java.lang.String path)
          Load a Texture from the filesystem
 Texture TextureFactory.loadTexture(GL gl, url)
          Load a Texture from the given URL
 Texture TextureFactory.loadTextureResource(GL gl, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Load a Texture as a resource with the given name
 Texture TextureFactory.loadTextureResource(GL gl, java.lang.String resourceName, int target, int dstPixelFormat, int minFilter, int magFilter)
          Load a Texture as a resource with the given name

Constructors in org.gljava.opengl with parameters of type GL
DebugGL(GL gl)
Sprite(GL gl, java.lang.String texturePath)
          Create a new sprite from the image given at texturePath
Sprite(GL gl, java.lang.String resourceName, boolean resource)
          Create a new sprite from the image found at the given resourceName
Sprite(GL gl, url)
          Create a new sprite from the image given at url

Uses of GL in org.gljava.opengl.impl.glew

Classes in org.gljava.opengl.impl.glew that implement GL
 class GlewImpl

Uses of GL in org.gljava.opengl.model

Fields in org.gljava.opengl.model declared as GL
(package private) static GL

Methods in org.gljava.opengl.model with parameters of type GL
 void Mesh.render(GL gl)

Uses of GL in

Fields in declared as GL
(package private)  GL
          Reference to GL context (can be null if GL mode is not being used)

Methods in that return GL
 GL SDLSurface.getGL()
          Get the OPEN GL Context.

Uses of GL in sdljavax.gui

Fields in sdljavax.gui declared as GL
(package private) static GL

Methods in sdljavax.gui with parameters of type GL
 void Container.draw(GL gl)
 void Widget.draw(GL gl)
          Describe draw method here.
 void Window.draw(GL gl)
 void Button.draw(GL gl, int x, int y)
 void ListBox.draw(GL gl, int x, int y)
 void Widget.draw(GL gl, int x, int y)
          Draw myself at the given co-ordinates
static void GUI.init(SDLSurface f, GL glContext, Widget initialWindow)
          Describe init method here.

Constructors in sdljavax.gui with parameters of type GL
Button(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect dimensions, java.lang.String unSelectedTexturePath, java.lang.String selectedTexturePath)
Container(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect rect, SDLRect screenDimensions)
ListBox(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect dimensions, java.lang.String backgroundTexture)
          Construct a new ListBox.
Widget(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect dimensions, java.lang.String backgroundTexturePath)
Window(GL gl, java.lang.String name, SDLRect rect, SDLRect screenDimensions, java.lang.String backgroundTexturePath)