

NOTE:  PLEASE MAKE SURE you already have the dependencies installed on
your system.

     - Java 1.4
     - SDL 1.2.7
     - GLEW 1.3.1 (http://glew.sourceforge.net) for OpenGL Support (optional)
     - FTGL 2.1.3 (http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/henryj/code/#FTGL) for FreeType font Support w/OpenGL (optional)

     - SDL_image 1.2.3 (optional)
     - SDL_mixer 1.2.5 (optional)
     - SDL_ttf 2.0.6   (optional)
     - SDL_gfx 2.0.13  (optional)

     - Ant 1.6.2       (optional, only if you need want to compile 
			java sources)
     - SWIG 1.3.22     (optional, only if you want to re-generate
		       native layer)
     - Ruby 1.8.2      (optional, only if you want to re-generate
		       SOME of native layer)

	The required libraries will already be present in the lib
directory and you may simply begin to use then.  Skip to the usage
section below.

Please note that generation of native layer is disabled by default
(remarked out in Makefiles).  If you wish to generate the native layer
or work on this part please enable those lines in the package you are
working with.

On any platform compilation consists of two steps.
   1) compile the native interface layer
   2) compile the java source files

	Compile Native Layer

	To compile the native interface layer copy the Makefile from

		$ cp etc/build/linux/Makefile src/sdljava/native

	Type make and see if the build works.  If not you most likely
	will need to add an additional include path based on the error
	message received.

	Note:  if you wish to build libsdljava_gfx invoke 
	"make libsdljava_gfx.so" as well.

	Once this completes with success you should have the shared
	libraries built depending on what you choose to build.

	The build should also have copied the libraries to the
	appropriate location in $(SDLJAVA)/lib.

	Follow a similar process to build gljava and ftgljava.

		$ cp etc/build/gljava/linux/Makefile src/org/gljava/opengl/native
                $ cd src/org/gljava/opengl/native && make

		$ cp etc/build/gljava/linux/ftgl/Makefile src/org/gljava/opengl/native/ftgl
		$ cd src/org/gljava/opengl/native/ftgl && make

	This is it for the native layer!

	Compile Java Layer
	To compile the java layer invoke ant from the root like so:
	   $ ant jar
	This should result in the java source files being compiled and
	archived into the sdljava jarfile (sdljava.jar).  The jarfile
	will be played in $(SDLJAVA)/lib.

	Compile Native Layer

	Makefiles have been provides for building with Dev-C++,
	VisualC 6 (Makefiles and project files) and mingw.


	There is a makefile for MinGW located in

	To build under MinGW download first following the instructions
	posted here:

	First compile the required SDL libraries under MinGW then you
	will be able to run the provided makefile to build the sdljava
	dll files.

	Hint:  When you configure each package pass an appropriate
	value such as: 
	      ./configure --prefix=/c/dev/msys/1.0 (on my system at
        This will make sure all the packages go to the appropriate

	(NOTE:  MinGW Makefiles have not yet been created for gljava
	 or ftgljava)

	There is a Makefile provided for building under a Visual C
	enviornment.  The Makefile may be found in

	Makefiles also exist for gljava and ftgljava.

	You will need to edit the makefile and do the following:

		** before you begin this process you need to have
		** already the SDL .dll and .lib files.  You can
		** download them from the SDL site itself or compile
		** them.  Each library has a -devel-XXX-VC6.zip
		** package which contains the .lib files.  Place all
		** the .lib files in the src/sdljava/native directory
		** so they can be resolved by the linker.

		1.  Set the appropriate value for TOOLS to point to
		    your VisualC install.

		2.  Set the appropriate value for JAVA_INCLUDE to
		    point to your java install

		3.  Copy the SDL header (.h) files into the
		    src/sdljava/native directory or set the include
		    path to point to them where they are on your

		4.  Copy the SDL header of each API such as mixer,
		    ttf, etc... which you plan to use into the
		    src/sdljava/native directory or set the include
		    path to point to them where they are on your

		4.  Now you can build each module by running nmake
		    (make sure you run vcvars32.bat first)
		    Each target can be built with the following
			nmake			- sdljava.dll
			nmake sdljava_image	- sdljava_image.dll
			nmake sdljava_mixer	- sdljava_mixer.dll
			nmake sdljava_ttf	- sdljava_ttf.dll
			nmake sdljava_gfx	- sdljava_gfx.dll

	Additional Makefiles have also been provided in 
		\etc\build\gljava for the gljava layer

	Follow the same process to build gljava.dll or ftgljava.dll or
	use the project files.

	Compile Java Layer
	To compile the java layer invoke ant from the root like so:
	   $ ant jar
	This should result in the java source files being compiled and
	archived into the sdljava jarfile (sdljava.jar).  The jarfile
	will be played in $(SDLJAVA)/lib.

	After everything is compiled and nicely packaged up you can
write programs which utilize sdljava by doing two things:

      1)  include the native libraries (.so or .dll) files in the
          java.library.path with the appropriate switch to the java vm:
		    java -Djava.library.path=$(SDLJAVA)/lib

      2)  include the classes from sdljava in the classpath by either
          including the jarfile on the classpath or the classes
	  directory itself:
		    java -cp $(SDLJAVA)/lib/sdljava.jar
		    java -cp $(SDLJAVA)/lib/classes

For example you can run the test for the video module like so:
	    java -Djava.library.path=./lib -cp ./classes/ sdljava.video.SDLVideoTest

	When configuring SDL Mixer the following switches needed to be passed to disable timidity
		./configure --disable-music-timidity-midi --disable-music-timidity-midi --disable-music-midi